Hola! 👋🏼 mi nombre es
I’m a self-taught UX Engineer and Product Designer. By day I work on digital interfaces at LinkedIn concentrating on accessible multi-platform Design Systems, product redesign, Dark Mode and Accessibility. By night I make art with code or plants, some calligraphy, illustrations and music.
studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio studio

I have been working as an interdisciplinary Designer for over a decade - or precisely null years, null months, null days, null hours, null minutes, null seconds, null milliseconds.
For four of those years, I worked as a Design Systems front-end engineer, and I have contributed to several open source projects, including Node.JS.
I am currently focusing on building, growing, and maintaining multi-platform Design Systems for large enterprises with a strong foundation in accessibility and inclusivity - I hold a technical accessibility specialist certification (WAS) from The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). I have also provided consultancy services to many early-stage startups, and I mentor other designers.
Current Interests
I am really into anything Design Systems, decentralized autonomous systems, crypto assets (#crypto Class of '14), Web3, metaverses, NFTs, behavioral economics, machine learning, 3D design, and XR.
Learn more about me ➡My Stack
code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code

Metaverse NFT Identifier
Using one of my NFTs as my visual identifier in digital social gatherings.
Baby Yoda
Just playing with 3D models and user interaction to complement the experience.
An app that takes any color shown to the camera and colors a little chameleon I drew using Procreate.
Instagram face filter
Made a few face filers (effects) for Instagram. You can play with them on your Insta by giving it a click ⬆.
The ETH Rocket
Just playing with 3D models and using the opportunity to educate people on The Merge.
Covid faces
A little Covid inspired app using face detection and face recognition in the browser implemented on top of tensorflow.js.
thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts

Motion Design Tokens
Design Tokens cheatsheet
Design for conversations. Not screens.
How I made a themeable Design System for my Professional Brand
Homosapien-ing Interfaces
A Dictionary for a Design Language
Crafting a New Visual Language
The Anatomy of All Digital Interfaces
classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes classes